The guys we fought.

Conclusion: Index

Practically all proper names and some Afghanistan-specific notions are listed here with links to pages where they are mentioned. Clicking on the term being explained will open a Google window with search results for that word.


a cheap hotel on the western side of the mausoleum in Mazar-i-Sharif
Expenses, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

1844–1901, king of Afghanistan from 1880
Concise History of Afghanistan

an Iranian dynasty in 522–330 B.C., ruled Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

national currency of Afghanistan

the main object of this work
Why?, Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Will They Cut Your Head Off?, A Word to the Girls, Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Language, Life, Food, Keeping in Touch, Souvenirs

A sign in Bank of Afghanistan

Ahmad Khan, Ali
Amanullah and Enayatullah successor in 1929, quickly killed by Bacha Saqao
Concise History of Afghanistan

a god invented by born in Balkh Zarathustra
Concise History of Afghanistan

Akbar, Jalaluddin
1542–1605, emperor of India from Moghul dynasty since 1556, founded Jalalabad in 1570

Al Qaida
Bin Laden's organization, originally supported Arabian veterans of the Afghan war socially, but gradually turned to asymmetric warfare against the US and their allies
Concise History of the Taliban, Life, Kandahar

one of the Ghorid brothers, burnt Ghazni in 1151
Concise History of Afghanistan

Alexander the Great
356–323 B.C., king of Macedonia since 336, conquered almost everything in ancient times
Concise History of Afghanistan, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

Alexander I
1777–1825, czar of Russia since 1801, planned to conquer Afghanistan with Napoleon
Concise History of Afghanistan

an acceptable hotel in Islamabad, sector G–7, Sitara Markaz

602–661, Prophet Muhammed's son in law, the forth caliph of Islam, was supposedly buried in Mazar-i-Sharif
Field Rations, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a mountain in Kabul

Allama Iqbal
a street in Lahore at the train station, with McLeod and Brandreth forms a triangle with cheap and safe hotels

a Samanid general, conquered Ghazni in 962 and founded Ghaznavid dynasty
Concise History of Afghanistan

1892–1960, king of Afghanistan in 1919–29, fought the Third Anglo-Afghan war, was deposed by Bacha Saqao, fled to Italy, was buried in Jalalabad
Concise History of Afghanistan, Jalalabad

American Express
an American credit card system, does not work in Iran

Amin, Hafizullah
1927–79, one of the leaders of the Communist party of Afghanistan, ruled the country from September to December of 1979, requested Soviet military involvement, killed by the Soviet special forces within two days of its beginning
Concise History of Afghanistan

a city in India within an hour and a half of a border post in Wagah
How to Get Here, Pakistan

Andropov, Yuri
1914–84, Soviet leader in 1982–84, introduced many funny ideas, but died before he could withdraw the Soviet troops from Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

capital of Turkey with direct buses to Tehran, Iran

Arabian peninsula
a region with ferries to Iran

Arabian Sea
a sea with a Pakistani city Karachi on its shore

Armenians' favorite mountain, located in Turkey, visible from Tehran–Istanbul buses

a side street in Peshawar with two bookstores with a good choice of great postcards on Afghanistan

a cheap hotel in Mazar-i-Sharif on the western side of the mausoleum
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

an Afghan government-owned air company with flights to Kabul from many cities in the world
How to Get Here, How to Get Around

a country that borders Iran

ancestors of the Afghans and the Nazis
Concise History of Afghanistan

a mountain in Kabul with a TV tower, named after a Hindu goddess of nature

Asamayi Wat
a street in Kabul between the Asamayi and Koh-i-Sher Darwaza mountains

capital of Turkmenistan where one can get an Afghan visa and to where the Pakistanis sent a truck convoy hijacked by bandits and returned by the Taliban
Concise History of the Taliban, Visa

a ruler of India and Afghanistan in 268–232 B.C., spread Buddhism in the region
Concise History of Afghanistan

a region where people do not understand the concept of not being religious

a recommended hotel in Lahore at the train station

asymmetric warfare
a professional term for what is called terrorism by the politicians and people under their influence
Will They Cut Your Head Off?

a country, a possible place to get an Afghan visa

a country from which one can get to Iran
How to Get Here, Iran

1483–1530, founder of Moghul dynasty, began from conquering Afghanistan, has been buried in Kabul
Concise History of Afghanistan

Bacha Saqao
an Afghan NCO who briefly ruled Afghanistan in 1929, shot to death and hanged in the same year
Concise History of Afghanistan

a region in Afghanistan, one of the two places in the world where lapis lazuli is mined

capital of Iraq near which caliph Ali has been really buried, not in Mazar-i-Sharif
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a military airbase near Kabul, currently overtaken by the Americans
Concise History of the Taliban

Bahram Shah
1118–52, a ruler of Afghanistan from Ghaznavid dynasty, poisoned one of the Ghor brothers in 1146, which led to his overthrow by Ghorids
Concise History of Afghanistan

capital of Azerbaijan with direct flights to Kabul and, possibly, ferries to Iran
How to Get Here, Iran

Bala Hissar
remnants of Old Balkh, traces of ancient walls
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a city near Mazar-i-Sharif where Zarathustra was born, place of No Gumbad mosque, Khwaja Parsa mosque, ancient ruins Bala Hissar, tomb of Rabi'a Balkhi, and ruins of a religious school
Concise History of Afghanistan, Expenses, What to See, Souvenirs, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

Balkhi, Rabi'a
first female poet of Islamic era who wrote in Farsi, has been killed by her brother for an affair with a slave, wrote her last poem with her blood, has been buried in Balkh
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a city formerly known for its giant statues of Buddha, but they have been blown up by the Taliban
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, What to See, Kabul

an outrageously expensive hotel in Mazar-i-Sharif, a foreign morons' demoneying center
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a Bactrian chief, killed Iranian king Darius III and took his throne, which forced Alexander the Great to chase him through the region in 330 B.C., capturing Afghanistan in the process
Concise History of Afghanistan

Bin Badis
a street in Lahore, Pakistan, that starts at the train station and goes to the ticket office

Bin Laden, Osama
born in 1957, a Saudi construction businessman who has paved a lot of roads with good intentions looking for the one on which he could follow god in his steps; betel packs with his picture can be bought in Kandahar, but he is highly disliked by the Afghans
Concise History of the Taliban, Expenses, Life

Bolan Pass
practically the only way to Quetta from the rest of Pakistan, a place of moderate beauty
Concise History of Afghanistan, Pakistan

ruins of an ancient city near Lashkargah, a winter capital of Ghaznavids
Concise History of Afghanistan, Expenses, Lashkargah and Bost

a street in Lahore, Pakistan, at the train station, a place of cheap and safe hotels

Brezhnev, Leonid
1906–82, a Soviet leader
Concise History of Afghanistan

623–544 B.C. for the last time, a philosopher and the earliest known Afghan, lived near Jalalabad 100,000 years ago in one of his previous lives, flew to Afghanistan to handle a vicious dragon Gopala in his last life
Concise History of Afghanistan, Jalalabad

a developed by Buddha sort of opium for the masses that recommends not to want anything at all in order not to get disappointed
Concise History of Afghanistan

headquarters of Samanid dynasty that ruled Afghanistan in 900–962, an ancient city in Uzbekistan, Amir of which presented Durrani with the Muhammed's cloak, which is currently stored in Kandahar
Concise History of Afghanistan, Kandahar

Caspian Sea
a sea that may have ferries from Iran to Baku

a region in the USSR the Nazis wanted to capture and then advance to Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Central Asia
a region that contains the former Soviet Asian republics, smuggles goods through Afghanistan to Pakistan, Ghazni was the capital of it in ancient times
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Peshawar, Ghazni

a Pakistani city on Afghan border not far from Quetta
How to Get Here

Char Suq
a point where four main streets join in Old Herat and Old Kandahar
Herat, Kandahar

Taliban desperados, some could be buried in Kandahar at the Al Qaida cemetery

Chernenko, Konstantin
1911–85, Soviet leader in 1984–85, decided to keep the Soviet forces in Afghanistan despite the pressure from the military
Concise History of Afghanistan

Chicken Street
a city in Kabul with lots of expensive souvenir shops, also known as Chahrahi Tauraboz Khan, joins Flower Street
Language, Field Rations, Souvenirs, Kabul

“Forty Steps”, cut in stone in 1531, located in about 4 km west of Kandahar's Shahidan Chowk

a country that borders Afghanistan, but with no overland crossings, although one can fly to Kabul from Urumqi
How to Get Here, Language

CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
a US intelligence organization, cooperated with Bin Laden in the 1980s on building infrastructure for Afghan guerillas
Concise History of the Taliban

a Western bank with branches in Pakistan where one can get a cash advance in local currency against a credit card

a cheap and safe hotel in Lahore

10 millions of something, a popular term in the region

place of exile of a Parcham leader Babrak Karmal by Khalq
Concise History of Afghanistan

Da Afghanistan Bank
state bank of Afghanistan, is of little use to tourists
Currency, Kabul

Da Kherqa Sherif Ziarat
storage place of the Muhammed's cloak in Kandahar

dialect of Farsi, one of the two main languages in Afghanistan

Darius I
king of Iran in 522–486 B.C. from Achaemenid dynasty, began conquest of Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Darius III
the last Iranian king from Achaemenid dynasty, killed by Afghan allies by the time of Alexander the Great's invasion
Concise History of Afghanistan

Daud, Sardar Mohammad
cousin of the last king of Afghanistan, overthrew him and became a president in 1973, ruled till 1978, has been killed by Afghan Communists
Concise History of Afghanistan

an expensive hotel in Peshawar where foreigners could buy alcohol, its present condition is unknown

capital of India with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here

a hotel in Quetta

Doustum, Rashid
born in 1955, an Afghan of Uzbek descent, served in Communist tank forces since 1978, then turned into a cruel but effective warlord in northern Afghanistan, switched sides a few times in the war of the Taliban and Northern Alliance, twice fled the country when Mazar-i-Sharif was taken, now is in a bad relationship with the current president, ignores him at large
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Life

a city in UAE with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here, How to Get Around

Durrand, Mortimer
head of the British mission that came to Kabul in 1893 to define the southern border of Afghanistan, which was later called Durrand Line after him and is not recognized by Afghanistan yet
Concise History of Afghanistan

Durrani, Ahmad Shah
unifier of Afghanistan in 1747–72, founder of Durrani dynasty, rebuilder of Kandahar, called himself Durr-i-Durrani, “Pearl of the Pearls”
Concise History of Afghanistan, Kandahar

capital of Tajikistan where one can get an Afghan visa, and from where there are direct flies to Kabul
Visa, How to Get Here

a country where female tourists are physically harassed on the streets, unlike in Afghanistan
A Word to the Girls

a king who ruled Afghanistan for three days in 1929 after his brother Amanullah resigned
Concise History of Afghanistan

currency of European Union, whether it is possible to exchange it in Afghanistan is not clear

a region where you can send a postcard to from Kabul
Keeping in Touch

main language of Iran and some other countries, its dialect Dari is one of the two main Afghan languages

central street of Islamabad with bookstores, currency exchange, Western banks

a city in Uzbekistan form where Babur was expelled, which forced him to become a ruler of a giant empire that included Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Flower Street
a street in Kabul with many overly expensive souvenir shops and a couple of good bookstores, joins Flower Street

a city in Germany with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here

southern border of Kushans' empire that was based in Afghanistan from 135 B.C. to 241 A.D.
Concise History of Afghanistan

Genghis Khan
1155–1227, founded the Mongol empire in 1206, conquered Afghanistan in 1220
Concise History of Afghanistan, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh, Herat, Lashkargah and Bost, Ghazni

a country with designs to conquer Afghanistan during the World War II, now has direct flights to Kabul from Frankfurt
Concise History of Afghanistan, How to Get Here

a dynasty that ruled Afghanistan in 962–1186, founded by Alptigin, united the country and conquered parts of Iran and India but made a mistake of upsetting the Ghorids and was deposed by them
Concise History of Afghanistan

a city on the way from Kabul to Kandahar, is known for its two minarets and some other ancient things, a good place to buy souvenirs
Concise History of Afghanistan, Expenses, What to See, Accommodations, Souvenirs, Kandahar, Ghazni

a province in Afghanistan, murder of one of its rulers in 1146 led to Ghaznavids' fall and Ghorids' coming to power
Concise History of Afghanistan

a ruling dynasty in Afghanistan in 1148–1202, founded by the rulers of Ghor province
Concise History of Afghanistan

a city on the Herat–Kandahar road where one has to change intercity taxis if one goes to Lashkargah
Expenses, Herat, Lashkargah and Bost

northern border of Kushans' empire that was based in Afghanistan from 135 B.C. to 241
Concise History of Afghanistan

a vicious dragon that harassed peasants near Jalalabad until Buddha has come and had a talk with him
Concise History of Afghanistan

Gorbachev, Michael
born in 1931, a Soviet leader in 1985–91, engineered the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Great Britain
chief competitor of Russia in the struggle for Afghanistan in 19–20 centuries, a possible place to get an Afghan visa
Concise History of Afghanistan, Visa

a Georgian sent to Kandahar by Iranian rulers in 1704 to deal with an Afghan uprising, has been killed in 1709 by Mir Wais Hotak
Concise History of Afghanistan

king of Afghanistan in 1901–19, killed on a hunting expedition near Jalalabad
Concise History of Afghanistan, Jalalabad

a village near Jalalabad, a former site of ancient Buddhist temples, probably destroyed by the Soviets

an ethnic group of Shia confession in Afghanistan, fought the Taliban with support from Iran
Concise History of the Taliban

one of the main Afghan cities, not far from the Iranian and Soviet borders, is known for its minarets and Gawhar Shad's mausoleum
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Will They Cut Your Head Off?, Expenses, Visa, How to Get Here, How to Get Around, What to See, Language, Life, Currency, Food, Keeping in Touch, Mazar-i-Sharif, Herat, Lashkargah and Bost, Kandahar

Herat Bazaar
one of the four main streets of Old Kandahar

Hikmetyar, Gulbuddin
born in 1947, a veteran of Afghan Islamic movements, a warlord, still fights everybody
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban

guys who mass-migrated from Iran to India through Afghanistan in the 1970s
Concise History of Afghanistan

Home & Tribal Affairs Office
an entity in Peshawar that issues free permits to transit Tribal Areas on the way to the Afghan border

a country that formerly bordered Afghanistan, which forced the British who controlled it to interfere with Afghan affairs in the 19–20th centuries, now it has direct flights to Kabul
Why?, Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Life, Pakistan, Jalalabad, Ghazni

Intercontinental Hotel
a lavish and expensive hotel in Kabul, a foreign morons' demoneying center, appeals by its public internet access, a good restaurant, and a good bookstore, repulses by rotten staff and rotten patrons, not to mention prices from 75 dollars per single room
Will They Cut Your Head Off?, How to Get Around, Keeping in Touch, Kabul

a country that borders Afghanistan, periodically ruled it and was ruled by it, has been occupied by the USSR in August of 1941, supported Afghan mujaheds, opposed the Taliban; one can get an Afghan visa here and cross the border in Islam Qala on the way from Mashhad to Herat
Why?, Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, A Word to the Girls, Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Language, Life, Currency, Food, Souvenirs, Iran, Pakistan, Peshawar, Kabul, Herat, Ghazni

a country not so far from Afghanistan, with some common history behind them
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Iran

a street in Karachi with a tolerable hotel Karachi

Jesus' name in Islam where he is respected as a prophet

the main religion of the region where Afghanistan is, has been created by Prophet Muhammed in the first half of the 7th century
Life, Pakistan

Islam Qala
a border city between Iran and Afghanistan, three hours by car from Herat or Mashhad
Expenses, How to Get Here, What to See, Iran, Herat

capital of Pakistan where one can get an Afghan visa in two–three days, but one needs a letter of introduction for that; there are good stores and direct flights to Kabul
Visa, How to Get Here, How to Get Around, Pakistan, Peshawar

Ismail Khan
born in 1942, a former Afghan officer during the Communist times, switched sides and became a warlord in March of 1979, still controls Herat and its environs
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Life

the biggest city of Turkey with direct flights to Kabul and buses to Iran
How to Get Here, Iran

a country where the last Afghan king went to in 1973 for medical treatment and was deposed by his cousin while there
Concise History of Afghanistan

Jadai Sehi Akrab
a street in Kabul along Kabul University campus, also known as Jadi Mir Wais, Sher-Shar Mina, and Saraki Kabul Wa Kandahar

Jadi Mir Wais
a street in Kabul along Kabul University campus, also known as Jadai Sehi Akrab, Sher-Shar Mina, and Saraki Kabul Wa Kandahar

one of the main Afghan cities, not very interesting
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Will They Cut Your Head Off?, Expenses, How to Get Here, How to Get Around, What to See, Currency, Keeping in Touch, Jalalabad, Kabul

a hard to reach city in Ghor province in Afghanistan, famous for its reclined tower
What to See

Jame Mui Mobarak
the Mosque of the Hair of the Prophet in Kandahar, has been built in the 19th century, contains hair of Prophet Muhammed received along with his cloak in 1768 from Amir of Bukhara, its present condition is unknown

one of the two recommended hotels in Kabul, has no restaurant but there are bathrooms with stored water in each room
Expenses, Kabul

Jan's Bakery
a good food store in Peshawar near Tourist Inn Motel, sells pizzas, sandwiches, and juices

Jan's Shopping Arcade
a supermarket in Peshawar with many useful for a traveler goods

a city in Saudi Arabia with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here

a street in Quetta with recommended hotels Marina and Deluxe

capital of Afghanistan
Why?, Life, Concise History of the Taliban, Will They Cut Your Head Off?, Expenses, Visa, How to Get Here, How to Get Around, What to See, Language, Life, Currency, Food, Field Rations, Keeping in Touch, Souvenirs, Peshawar, Jalalabad, Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh, Herat, Kandahar, Ghazni

Kabul Bazaar
one of the four main streets of Old Kandahar

an Afghan air carrier, flies to Dubai, also services many local routes
How to Get Around

the second most important city in Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Expenses, How to Get Here, How to Get Around, What to See, Life, Currency, Food, Keeping in Touch, Kabul, Herat, Lashkargah and Bost, Kandahar, Ghazni

king of the Kushans who has ruled Afghanistan in 130, invented the idea of Buddhism with human face
Concise History of Afghanistan

a big Pakistani city with an Afghan consulate, also a hotel in the same city
Visa, Pakistan

Karmal, Babrak
1928–96, leader of Afghanistan in 1979–86, replaced Amin and was replaced by Najibullah, has died in Moscow
Concise History of Afghanistan

a dynasty of appointed by the Mongols in 1245 rulers of Afghanistan, declared independence in 1332, lost it to Timur in 1381
Concise History of Afghanistan

Karzai, Hamid
president of Afghanistan, re-elected in 2004 for another two years, does not really rule anything
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Life

a part of Afghanistan separated by the Sikhs and later overtaken by the British, currently split between India and Pakistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

capital of Nepal with a Pakistani embassy

a country in Africa where an American embassy was blown up in 1998, what was later blamed on Bin Laden
Concise History of the Taliban

one of the two fractions of the Communist party of Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Khojak Pass
a pass in the mountains not far from a border Pakistani city of Chaman, with Khyber Pass controls practically all routes from Afghanistan to Pakistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

an Afghan city bombed by its former warlord after he was deposed
Concise History of the Taliban

an ancient state in modern Uzbekistan, shah of which conquered Afghanistan in 1215
Concise History of Afghanistan

Khwarizm Shah
a guy who did not get along with Genghis Khan, which resulted in Afghanistan being conquered by the Mongols
Concise History of Afghanistan

Khyber Pass
one of the two easy ways from Afghanistan to Pakistan through the mountains, near Torkham on the border
Concise History of Afghanistan

Khyber Political Agent's Office
an entity in Peshawar that issues free machine gunners to tourists for transiting Tribal Areas on the way to the Afghan border

Koh-i-Sher Darwaza
a mountain in Kabul, “Lion Gates”

a city in Tajikistan where weapons were dumped for Massoud in 1998
Concise History of the Taliban

a tribe of unknown origin, conquered Afghanistan and neighboring countries, ruled there from 135 B.C. to 214 A.D.
Concise History of Afghanistan

a country and a city with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here

a big Pakistani city, the first one on the way from India

a hundred thousands, a term popular in the region

father of Noah, buried near Jalalabad
Concise History of Afghanistan

lapis lazuli
a blue stone mined in Badakhshan in Afghanistan and in one more place in Latin America, a good souvenir, whether cut or not
Souvenirs, Ghazni

a city known for ancient ruins in the nearby Bost, foreigners are rare here and gather giant crowds
Expenses, What to See, Accommodations, Herat, Lashkargah and Bost, Kandahar

Lashkari Bazaar
remnants of ancient villas at Lashkargah
Lashkargah and Bost

Latin America
in addition to Afghanistan, the only other place in the world where they mine lapis lazuli

a street in Karachi, its side street is where the hotel Karachi is

London Books
a good bookstore in Peshawar with lots of nice Afghan postcards

Mahmud, Sultan
the third Ghaznavid ruler of Afghanistan in 998–1030, son of the second ruler Sebuktigin, who was a slave of the dynasty founder Alptigin, buried in Ghazni, his mausoleum is open to the public
Concise History of Afghanistan, Ghazni

Malik Pahlawan
a deputy of Rashid Doustum, a traitor and a war criminal
Concise History of the Taliban

a segment of Shahrah-i-Quaid-i-Azam street in Lahore where there are a few good bookstores

a recommended hotel in Karachi

an Iranian city within three hours of the Afghan border, has an Afghan consulate
Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Iran

Friday Mosque in Herat, built in 1200, presently in very good condition

Masjid-i-No Gumbad
remnants of an ancient mosque built in the 9th century in Balkh
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

Massoud, Ahmad Shah
1953–2001, a veteran of Afghan guerilla movement, began from revolting against Daud in 1975, successfully defended Panjsher from Soviet troops for nine years, leader of the Northern Alliance, killed by kamikazes on September 9, 2001
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Kabul

a credit card system that sometimes works in Iran

Mas'ud III, Sultan
a governor of Ghazni in 1099–1114

a big Afghan city, ex-capital of Afghan Turkestan, supposedly the burial place of the forth caliph Ali, now controlled by Rashid Doustum
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Expenses, How to Get Around, What to See, Life, Food, Field Rations, Keeping in Touch, Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a fast food chain with restaurants in Islamabad

a street in Lahore near the train station where the cheap and safe hotels are

a city in Saudi Arabia; in its direction the Muslims pray

Middle East
a region in many aspects culturally similar to Afghanistan

Mir Wais Hotak
a ruler of Afghanistan in 1709–15, fought for independence from the Iranians
Concise History of Afghanistan

a ruling dynasty in India in 1526–1858, founded by Babur, controlled Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

a people that invaded Afghanistan in 1221
Concise History of Afghanistan

capital of Russia with an Afghan embassy and direct flights to Kabul, where more foreign women are raped daily than in Afghanistan in 11 years, where a guide book on Afghanistan has been published in 1957
Why?, A Word to the Girls, Expenses, Visa, How to Get Here

a foreign morons' demoneying center in Herat, an expensive hotel
Will They Cut Your Head Off?, Expenses, Life, Herat

Muhammed, Amir Dost
1790–1863, ruler of Afghanistan in 1826–39 and 1843–63, when the First Anglo-Afghan war has started, was in British captivity in 1839–42, but then returned to power and reunited the country
Concise History of Afghanistan

Muhammed, Prophet
570–632, the founder of the main Afghan religion, Islam
Concise History of the Taliban, Life, Kandahar

an Afghan guerilla
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Will They Cut Your Head Off?, Life, Jalalabad

an Islamic name of Moses

a set of ancient buildings in Herat built in 1417 by Gawhar Shah, a few minarets and two mausoleums

adherents of the main Afghan religion, Islam
Concise History of Afghanistan, Field Rations

Mustafa Hotel
an expensive hotel in Kabul on Chicken Street, a foreign morons' demoneying center, has public internet access

Nadir Khan, Muhammed
1883–1933, the second to the last king of Afghanistan since 1929, killed by a son of a guy he ordered to execute
Concise History of Afghanistan

Nadir Shah, Muhammed
a new name of Nadir Khan after he has become a king
Concise History of Afghanistan

Najibullah, Muhammed
1947–96, leader of Afghanistan in 1986–92; after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 was on his own till 1992, then was hiding in the UN mission in Kabul till 1996, after the fall of Kabul was killed by unknown people
Concise History of Afghanistan

1769–1821, a French leader who planned to conquer Afghanistan and India with the Russian czar Alexander I
Concise History of Afghanistan

a king that ruled Afghanistan for seven days in 1919, overthrown by his nephew Amanullah
Concise History of Afghanistan

Nawai, Ali Sher
1441–1501, an Uzbek poet and Afghan politician, lived in Herat, buried there in a mausoleum in Musalla

New York City
a city in the US where more foreign women are raped each day than in Afghanistan in 11 years, where Bin Laden was tried in his absence, where The Lord of the Rings trilogy has been published
Concise History of the Taliban, A Word to the Girls, Expenses

non-governmental organizations, dislike tourists
Will They Cut Your Head Off?

a biblical guy whose father Lamech is buried near Jalalabad
Concise History of Afghanistan

Noor Jahan
an expensive but good hotel in Kandahar with hot showers and air-conditioners, named after wife of Emperor Jahangir from Moghul dynasty
Expenses, Kandahar

Northern Alliance
a union of the Taliban's enemies under leadership of Ahmad Shah Massoud, controlled 10% of the country in its worst times
Concise History of the Taliban, Jalalabad, Kandahar

North-West Frontier Province
an area in Pakistan under little government control, is primarily inhabited by the Pushtuns

Omar Muhammed, mullah
born in 1959, an elected leader of the Taliban, now in hiding
Concise History of the Taliban, Kandahar

a neighbor of Afghanistan that constantly minds Afghan business, a good place to transit to Afghanistan
Why?, Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, A Word to the Girls, Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Language, Currency, Keeping in Touch, Iran, Pakistan, Jalalabad, Kabul, Kandahar

a part of the Russian empire pointlessly attacked by Amanullah in 1880 on British advice
Concise History of Afghanistan

a valley in Afghanistan formerly under Ahmad Shah Massoud's control, never taken by the Soviets or by the Taliban
Concise History of the Taliban

a fraction of the Communist party of Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Park Hotel
two different but equally expensive hotels in Kabul, near Shahr-i-Naw and Zarnegar parks

a cheap and safe hotel in Lahore near the train station

Parsa, Khwaja Abu Nasr
an Islamic scholar buried in Balkh in 1460 in a nice tomb
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

one of the two main languages of Afghanistan

Pavel I
1754–1801, emperor of Russia in 1796–1801 who sent Russian troops in 1901 to conquer Afghanistan and India, was killed before the troops reached the border
Concise History of Afghanistan

Persian Gulf
a gulf that separates Iran and Arabian Peninsula, crossed by ferries from Iranian Bandar-e-Abbas to Arabian countries

a big Pakistani city within two hours from the Afghan border, a good place to get an Afghan visa and organize the whole trip
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, A Word to the Girls, Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Pakistan, Peshawar, Jalalabad, Kabul

Pushtunistan Maydan
a square in Kabul with the state bank and a public call center

ethnic majority of Afghanistan
Concise History of the Taliban, Language, Souvenirs, Pakistan

a fortress in Herat, built in 1305, has been taken by Genghis Khan and Timur, was restored by Shah Rukh, now is occupied by the military

a big Pakistani city with an Afghan consulate, it is possible to go to Afghanistan from there through Chaman and Spin Boldak to Kandahar
Visa, How to Get Here, What to See, Iran, Pakistan

one of the Ghor brothers, was poisoned in 1146 by a Ghaznavid sultan Bahram Shah, which resulted in the Ghaznavids being replaced by the Ghorids
Concise History of Afghanistan

Rabbani, Burhanuddin
born in 1940, one of the leaders and ideologists of the guerilla movement in Afghanistan from 1975, president of the country from 1992 till the Taliban has come, a political superior of Ahmad Shah Massoud
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban

a month of fasting in Islam whose dates shift back by 11 days every year, in 2004 started on October 15

an old city right near Islamabad, has cheap hotels

currency of Iran, often measured in tomans, which are ten rials
Currency, Iran, Kandahar

a city in Italy where Queen Soraya, wife of a deposed in 1929 king of Afghanistan Amanullah, has died in 1968

currency of Pakistan and many other countries
Currency, Pakistan, Peshawar

a country
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Will They Cut Your Head Off?, A Word to the Girls, Visa, How to Get Here, Life, Food, Keeping in Touch, Iran, Pakistan, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh, Kandahar

the most useful street of Peshawar, with a post office, shops, and internet cafes

Iranian dynasty in 1502–1736, ruled Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Saffari, Yaqub ibn Layth
founder of Islamic dynasty of Saffarids that ruled Afghanistan in 870–900, died in 879
Concise History of Afghanistan

an Islamic dynasty that ruled Afghanistan in 870–900, has been replaced by the Samanids
Concise History of Afghanistan

Said Book Bank
a good bookstore in Peshawar with a great choice of Afghan postcards

Salang Pass
a mountain pass on the way from Kabul to Mazar-i-Sharif where the Soviet engineers have built a 2.7 km tunnel in 1958–64
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Life, Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

Salang Wat
a street in Kabul between Shahr-i-Naw and Asamayi, does not contain anything interesting except the visa office, leads to Intercontinental Hotel and the bus station with taxis to Mazar-i-Sharif

a dynasty in Bukhara that controlled Afghanistan in 900–962, replaced Saffarids and was replaced by Ghaznavids
Concise History of Afghanistan

capital of Timur's empire that included Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

Saraki Kabul Wa Kandahar
a Kabul street where Kabul University campus is, also known as Jadai Sehi Akrab, Jadi Mir Wais, and Sher-Shar Mina

Saudi Arabia
a Middle Eastern country that actively interfered with Afghan affairs and supported mujaheds and the talibs
Concise History of the Taliban

Sayid Subhan Quli Khan
an Afghan scientist who has built a school in Balkh in the 17th century, parts of which can still be seen
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

an Afghan ruler from Ghaznavid dynasty, was in power in 977–97, an ex-slave of the dynasty founder Alptigin
Concise History of Afghanistan

a general of Alexander the Great, inherited his eastern lands, including Afghanistan, of which sold the southern part to Indians for 500 elephants and one woman
Concise History of Afghanistan

a cheap and safe hotel in Lahore, Pakistan, near the railroad station

Shad, Gawhar
wife of Afghanistan ruler Shah Rukh, an architect, built many interesting buildings, has been killed in 1457 at the age of over 80, buried in Herat
Concise History of Afghanistan, Herat

Shah Bazaar
one of the four main streets in Old Kandahar

Shah Rukh
Timur's son, ruled Afghanistan in 1405–47, husband of Gawhar Shad
Concise History of Afghanistan, Herat

Shahidan Chowk
Kandahar's central square with a recommended hotel Noor Jahan nearby

an area in Kabul where the embassies and government offices are

a street in Lahore, part of it is called Mall, this is where many good bookstores are

shalwar qamiz
clothes both males and females wear in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, consists of pants and a long dress, is recommended for female tourists
A Word to the Girls, Souvenirs, Pakistan

a city in UAE with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here

Sher Ali
ruler of Afghanistan in 1863–66 and 1868–79, shifted between the Russians and the British, provoked the Second Anglo-Afghan war, died in Mazar-i-Sharif in 1879
Concise History of Afghanistan

Sher-Shar Mina
a street in Kabul along the Kabul University campus, also known as Jadai Sehi Akrab, Jadi Mir Wais, and Saraki Kabul Wa Kandahar

a village near Jalalabad, has been producing nice wooden colored boxes, does not do that anymore

a city near Mazar-i-Sharif, the end of the paved road, headquarters of Rashid Doustum
Concise History of the Taliban

a minority confession in Islam
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a military airbase 100 km south of Herat
Concise History of the Taliban, Herat

Shuja, Shah
a appointee of the British during the First Anglo-Afghan war, ruled in 1839–42, killed when they withdrew
Concise History of Afghanistan

Silk Route
a highway that has been joining China with Middle East and Europe for trade purposes
Concise History of Afghanistan

a bad hotel in Islamabad in sector G–7, Sitara Markaz

Sitara Markaz
center of sector G–7 in Islamabad where the cheap hotels are

Smugglers' Bazaar
a market of many illegal goods in Peshawar, including hashish wholesale and automatic weapons

queen of Afghanistan, wife of king Amanullah, has died in 1968 and was buried near her husband in Jalalabad

Spin Boldak
an Afghan city on the Pakistani border with a crossing to Pakistani Chaman, three hours by car from Kandahar
Concise History of the Taliban, How to Get Here, What to See

a foreign morons' demoneying center in Jalalabad, a not so bad hotel in general
Will They Cut Your Head Off?, Expenses, Keeping in Touch, Jalalabad

a too expensive for its quality hotel in Kabul, but is well-known to taxi drivers and is located across the road from cheap and good hotels

a cheap hotel in Ghazni where foreigners are not cheated, has a good restaurant

SS, Schutzstaffeln
the Nazis of action, not words, a brigade of its armed forces was planned to be stationed in the Soviet Union in 1939 to attack Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

a country in Africa where Bin Laden spent some time after being deported from its native Saudi Arabia in 1992
Concise History of the Taliban

Sunehri Masjid
a street in Peshawar near the train station

the main confession of Islam
Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a Middle Eastern country, member of “axis of evil”, is one of the safest in the region

a hot sauce put in all American field rations
Field Rations

a Pakistani city on the Iranian border

a country that borders Afghanistan, where one can get an Afghan visa, from where it is possible to come to Afghanistan overland or fly to Kabul from Dushanbe
Concise History of Afghanistan, Visa, How to Get Here

an ethnic minority in Afghanistan

a member of the Taliban
Concise History of the Taliban, Kabul

an Afghan patriotic movement in 1994–2001, stopped lawlessness but overdid it with social changes, controlled over 90% of the country but was crushed in 2001 by the Northern Alliance with the US, the leadership is currently in hiding
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, A Word to the Girls, Language, Life, Jalalabad, Kabul, Kandahar

a city in northern Afghanistan, served as headquarters of Ahmad Shah Massoud until he was forced by the Taliban to leave it
Concise History of the Taliban

1336–1405, founded Timurid dynasty in Balkh in 1369, ruled Afghanistan and other countries
Concise History of Afghanistan, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh, Herat, Lashkargah and Bost

a country in Africa where an American embassy was blown up in 1998, which was later blamed on Bin Laden
Concise History of the Taliban

Tàpà Sardar
a set of Buddhist stupas and other ancient things in Ghazni, can be viewed with governor's permission

an ancient Buddhist monastery discovered in Hadda village near Jalalabad, has been apparently destroyed by the Soviets along with the village

Taraki, Nur Muhammed
1917–79, president of Afghanistan in 1978–79, overthrown by Amin in September of 1979, killed in October on Amin's orders
Concise History of Afghanistan

capital of Uzbekistan where one can get an Afghan visa

capital of Iran with direct flights to Kabul where one can get an Afghan visa
Visa, How to Get Here, Iran

a Central Asian dynasty founded by Timur, ruled in 1369–1507, included Shah Rukh and Babur, controlled Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan

ten Iranian rials

a border city on the way from Peshawar to Jalalabad
Expenses, How to Get Here, What to See, Peshawar, Jalalabad

Tourist Inn Motel
the most appropriate place to stay in Peshawar for a backpacker who goes to Afghanistan

Toyota Land Cruiser
the main passenger vehicle on the road from Mazar-i-Sharif to Herat, and a convenient way to travel from Peshawar to Torkham
How to Get Around, Peshawar

Tribal Areas
northwestern areas of Pakistan inhabited by Pushtun tribes, practically autonomous, produce guns and drugs, to cross them on the way from Peshawar to the border one needs a permit and a guard

a region in Soviet Central Asia where the Nazis wanted to place an SS brigade and a Wehrmacht division in 1939 to invade Afghanistan; parts of it were given away to Afghanistan in the end of the 19th century
Concise History of Afghanistan, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

a country where Western female tourists are harassed on the streets unlike in Afghanistan, from where there are direct flights to Kabul, and to where you can get by a bus from Iran
A Word to the Girls, How to Get Here, Iran

a country that borders Afghanistan, where one can get an Afghan visa, and from where it is possible to cross the border
Concise History of Afghanistan, Visa, How to Get Here, Iran

UAE, United Arab Emirates
a Middle Eastern country with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here, How to Get Around

UN, the United Nations
an entity whose employees in Afghanistan really dislike the tourists
Concise History of the Taliban, How to Get Around

a city in China with direct flights to Kabul
How to Get Here

USA, United States of America
a country
Concise History of Afghanistan, Concise History of the Taliban, Visa, Life, Currency, Field Rations, Keeping in Touch

USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
a country that helped Afghanistan a lot and then sent its troops there being invited by president Amin
Concise History of Afghanistan, Language

Ustinov, Dmitry
1908–84, Soviet Minister of Defense, objected Brezhnev's proposal to withdraw from Afghanistan in February of 1980
Concise History of Afghanistan

a country that borders Afghanistan where one can get an Afghan visa, but it is impossible to cross the border here
Concise History of the Taliban, Visa, How to Get Here, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

an ethnic minority in Afghanistan

Van Gogh
1853–90, a painter whose name is consistently mispronounced in the US

an American credit card system that does not work in Iran

the only land border crossing between India and Pakistan, on the way from Amritsar to Lahore

a narrow region in Northeastern Afghanistan that was created artificially in the end of the 19th century to separate the British and Russian empires
Concise History of Afghanistan

a capital of the US, a place where one can get an Afghan visa

German military forces, a division of which the Nazis wanted to put in Turkestan in 1939 to invade Afghanistan, and whose forces contained the so-called Afghanistan Group for the same purpose when invaded the Soviet Union
Concise History of Afghanistan

Western Union
an American company that wires money quickly and expensively to almost any country, but not to Iran or Afghanistan
Currency, Iran

an Iranian city near Pakistani border
Iran, Pakistan

Zahir, Ahmad
13.7.1946–13.7.1979, a very talented Afghan singer, recorded over 20 albums, which can be easily bought in Afghanistan and Pakistan on CDs
Expenses, Souvenirs, Kabul

Zahir Shah, Mohammad
born in 1914, the last king of Afghanistan, ruled since 1933, overthrown in 1973 by his cousin Daud, does not participate in current political life
Concise History of Afghanistan

a guy born in Balkh, invented a god Ahuramazda and suggested some agricultural ideas to the Aryan nomads in Afghanistan
Concise History of Afghanistan, Mazar-i-Sharif and Balkh

“Adorned with Gold”, a recommended hotel in Kabul with a good restaurant but common bathrooms only, also a park in Kabul
Expenses, Kabul

a city in Switzerland where an Afghan king Amanullah died in 1960 in exile

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