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A family ride, Kandahar.

Checkpoint at Jalalabad Afghan engineer Jalalabad guys Smoking and watching Checkpoint near Kunar river Barefoot soldiers Restaurant in Shewa APCs Kids in Darunta Fellow travelers Women in Kabul Ruins of Kabul 1 Ruins of Kabul 2 Ruins of Kabul 3 Bridge over APCs Doves in Mazar-i-Sharif Poses for a shot Kids in Mazar-i-Sharif Residential Balkh Beggar in No Gumbad Afghan beauties Destroyed tanks Dead tank Fellow traveler Population in Northern Afghanistan Public transportation Friday Mosque, Herat Traffic control, Herat Jeep and a horse Stuffed jeep Grandpa with fruits Family riding Al Qaida cemetery Women at a cemetery Collecting healing dirt Taliban cemetery Dead tanks in Ghazni Checkpoint near Kabul Stopping on the way to Herat

next: Al Qaida cemetery

more: Other things

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copyright: © Sergei Zharov, text, photos, maps, design, code, 2004–2024
